Friday, November 12, 2010

Selling My Personal Essay Part One: Write and Rewrite

This is the first in a series of posts that will feature one of my essays. I am not posting the essay here, but it is titled "The Monster" and is about my experience running my first marathon. Follow along as I go through my process of preparing and submitting it for publication.

The first step is the obvious one. Write the essay, which I have done. This first step also includes a part that should go without saying, but I believe is underestimated by many new writers. That is to rewrite the essay, and rewrite the essay and possibly rewrite the essay again.

I actually wrote this essay twice, giving it a different feel in each version. After that I read each one carefully and compared the two side by side. My first rewrite consisted of elements from both essays.

Even after all that I rewrote the essay three more times. With each rewrite I tweaked it a little more so that it sounded good and all the parts worked just right.

When it comes to personal essay, you have to make people want to hear your story. When I write a first draft I am basically pouring words onto the page. The finished draft closely resembles one side of a conversation because thoughts are mixed and out of order. Just like conversation I am trying to think of the words as fast as I can say, or in this case, write them.

An essay, or any writing for that matter, has to pop. I want to make it go "BOOM!" so that it grabs the readers attention and makes them want to read through to the end.

So I rewrite the essay as many times as needed. Each rewrite builds on previous ones. Just because I am on the fourth draft does not mean that I forget about the first, second, or third drafts. Sometimes I find that piecing together parts of different rewrites can yield more interesting results.

This is the most important step in selling a personal essay. Write it, tweak it and continue to tweak it until it is perfect. Everyone has a story to tell, but I want people to read mine and enjoy doing it.

Next up in this series of posts I will be targeting markets for my essay. I will prioritize and list all the possible places to sell this essay and then go through that list like an assassin picking off targets.

So until then...

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I got a new toy this week. A new Digital SLR camera, the Nikon D3000. I have used point and shoot my entire life and have wanted to get away from that for a long time. I finally decided to do that and bought this great entry level camera.

Now the problem with this is the timing. I have a few writing projects that I am working on and NaNoWriMo started this week. Instead of writing as much as I planned to, I spent much of my time testing out the new camera and learning a lot about digital photography.

So instead of using the camera as a distraction I will now be using it as a reward. I have to polish up a personal essay for submission, finish the first draft of another personal essay, and catch up on my novel. I'll break this down into bite size chunks and only after I finish each item will I spend time with the camera.

I am looking forward to getting a lot of good pictures though. I am only a beginner, but I might see a photography blog in my future along with this one.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

NaNoWriMo 2010

It is that time of year again.

The weather is getting cooler. The leaves are blowing wildly around the neighborhood. Halloween is almost over, and stores have been displaying Christmas items for weeks. It is soon to be November.

The arrival of my favorite month also brings my favorite worldwide writing event... National Novel Writing Month. Also known as NaNoWriMo.

In case you have never heard of it, here is a brief run down.

Sometime around October first writers all over the world converge onto the website created by The Office of Letters and Light. They talk about novels that they have not started yet and find writing buddies. Many of them procrastinate on the website instead of planning their novels and then by the end of the month they are all freaking out because they have nothing planned and no plot whatsoever.

Then... as the clock strikes midnight on Halloween, and the calendar turns to the new month... the website goes eerily quiet. No one can be found because they are all frantically writing as many words as possible to get a head start on their word count goals for the month.

The goal of NaNoWriMo is to write a 50,000 word novel in thirty days. You start on November 1st and the last day is November 30th. Some people write serious novels, some not so serious. But they all work hard to write as much as they can.

This will be my fifth year participating in the festivities. The last four years I have purposely written off the wall, totally ridiculous novels. My goal being to get the words out and get my writing muscles working. This year I will be writing a serious novel, one that I have been tossing around in my head for quite some time.

My goal is to get a very rough first draft done, which I expect will be over 50,000 words, and then edit the novel during December and January. Perhaps I will have something to work with, and perhaps I will end up re-writing the entire thing.

We shall see.